ACT Test Centers and Dates in Panama

Your search found 3 matches. The following is the full list of ACT testing locations in Panama among which you can pick one to take the exam. Please know that on the test day, test takers can use any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator. On the table below, you can also find all test dates through 2019.

ACT Testing Locations in Panama

2019-2020 ACT Test Dates in Panama

Test Date Registration Deadline
February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019
April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019
June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019
July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019
September 14, 2019 August 16, 2019
October 26, 2019 September 20, 2019
December 14, 2019 November 8, 2019
February 8, 2020 January 10, 2020
April 4, 2020 February 28, 2020
June 13, 2020 May 8, 2020
July 18, 2020 June 19, 2020

ACT Test Centers in Panama

City Center Name Center Code
Panama Balboa Academy 870610
Panama Instituto Alberto Einstein 872301
Panama City International School Of Panama 870200

ACT Test Centers and Dates in Panama

More about Panama

Panama borders Costa Rica to the west and Colombia to the east.

Panama comprises the southeastern part of the Central American land bridge including the Archipiélago de las Perlas and other offshore islands. An average 2,000–3,000 m high central mountain range, in which the extinct volcano Barú (at 3,475 m above sea level the highest mountain in the country) lies, divides western Panama into a Pacific and an Atlantic to the Península de Azuero – Caribbean-style room. Beyond the depression traversed by the Panama Canal, it continues in the 400–700 m high Cordillera de San Blas, which runs near the Caribbean coast, while a wider lowland is formed on the Pacific side, especially in the east (Darién landscape).


Panama is divided into 10 provinces and 5 territories. The territories are autonomous administrative areas of the indigenous peoples. Three of them have provincial status.

Administrative division in Panama

Administrative division (2010)
Administrative unit Area (in km 2) Population (in 1,000) Residents (per km 2) Administrative headquarters
Bocas del Toro 4,647 122.0 26th Bocas del Toro
Chiriquí 6 548 409.8 63 David
Coclé 4 950 228.7 46 Penonomé
Colón 4,868 232.7 48 Colón
Darién 11 896 47.0 4th La Palma
Herrera 2,361 107.9 46 Chitré
Los Santos 3 805 88.5 23 Las Tablas
Panama Oeste 2,880 464.0 161 La Chorrera
Panama (Panamá) 12 042 1,663.9 138 Panama
Veraguas 10 706 226.6 21st Santiago
Emberá 4 394 9.5 2 Unión Chocó
Kuna Yala 2,341 31.6 13th El Porvenir
Ngöbe-Buglé 6,959 154.4 22nd Quebrada Guabo


At the head of the judiciary is the Supreme Court (Corte Suprema de Justicia), whose 9 judges are appointed by the Cabinet for 10 years and confirmed by Parliament. It is divided into 4 chambers and also takes on the function of a constitutional court. Subordinate to it are higher, district and local courts; In addition to civil and criminal matters, these have their own responsibilities, including: for work, family and competition matters. The 1916 Civil Code is largely Spanish.


Attendance at preschool is compulsory for four to five year olds. There is general compulsory schooling for ages 6 to 15 with free tuition in all pre-university areas of education. The six-year primary school is followed by the two-stage secondary school (3 years each). Successful completion of the first phase (Ciclo común) entitles you to attend vocational and business schools and to train as a primary school teacher. The Ciclo académico is completed with the Bachillerato (university entrance qualification) in the natural sciences, humanities or business. In addition to state schools, there are also private schools at all levels, some of which are organized according to the US school system. However, there are major differences in access to education between urban and rural areas.


The media landscape is determined by private companies. Independent reporting is limited in part by close ties to political parties and stakeholders.

Press: The largest daily newspapers are »La Prensa« (founded in 1980), »El Siglo« (founded in 1985) and »La Crítica libre« (founded in 1925). The oldest daily newspaper is »La Estrella de Panama« (founded in 1853).

News agency: Panama does not have its own news agency.

Broadcasting: There are around 130, mostly commercial, radio stations. The largest of the eleven commercial television stations are Televisora ​​Nacional (TVN, Canal 2) and Telemetro (Canal 13) from Medcom, which also operates the oldest private television station in Panama (founded in 1962) with RPC-TV (Canal 4). The Catholic Fundación para la Educación en la Televisión (FETV, Canal 5) and the state Sistema Estatal de Radio y Televisión (SERTV, Canal 11) have their own TV stations.


Panama has a tropical climate. While the Caribbean area is always humid under the influence of the trade winds (2,500–4,000 mm precipitation per year), most precipitation falls on the Pacific side in the summer months from May to November (zenith rain from the inner-tropical convergence shifted to the north). In the lowlands they are 1,000–2,000, and above 700 m above sea level they are around 2,500 mm per year; Only the south-east (Darién) is always humid due to monsoon-like westerly winds. The average annual temperature is between 25 and 28 ° C.


The lowland (Tierra caliente) of the Caribbean side including the entire Darién (with a national park as a UNESCO World Heritage Site) is covered by ever-humid tropical rainforest, partly also by mangroves and swamp areas; In the alternately humid Pacific region, on the other hand, there are rain-green wet and dry forests as well as wet savannas.

In the Tierra templada, above 600–700 m above sea level, there is a rain- or evergreen mountain forest, which changes into cloud forest from 2,500 m above sea level. The highest peak regions are occupied by bushes and grass corridors.