The TOEFL iBT and revised TOEFL Paper-delivered tests are offered in this location.
The list below shows testing regions, fees and dates as of February 15, 2019, but availability may change when you register. Fees are shown in US$ and are subject to change without notice.
Region | Testing Format | Fee | Test Dates |
Bulawayo | TOEFL iBT | $180 $180 $180 $180 |
Sat., Mar 09, 2019 Fri., Apr 05, 2019 Sat., May 04, 2019 Sat., Jun 01, 2019 |
Harare (Code: D306) | TOEFL Paper Testing | $180 $180 $180 $180 |
Sat., Oct 13, 2018 Sat., Nov 10, 2018 Sat., Feb 09, 2019 Sat., Apr 13, 2019 |
Zimbabwe Overview
(Republic of Zimbabwe). Southern African state (390,757 km²). Capital: Harare. Administrative division: provinces (10). Population: 12,170,000 residents (2008 estimate). Language: English (official), ndebele, shona. Religion: animists / traditional beliefs 40.5%, Protestants 34.6%, Catholics 7%, others 17.9%. Currency unit: Zimbabwe dollar (100 cents). Borders: Zambia (N), Namibia (NW), Mozambique (E), South Africa (S), Botswana (W). Member of: UN, SADC, AU and WTO, EU associate.
The dominant morphological unit of the Zimbabwe landscape is the plateau. The region is in fact part of an extensive cratonic core consisting mainly of Precambrian crystalline rocks, some of which are among the oldest in the globe, which also occupies a large part of neighboring Zambia, stretching between the coastal depressions of Mozambique and the continental subsidence of the Kalahari. The Precambrian formations emerge above all in the central section of the country, in a wide strip oriented from NE to SW along which the watershed between the tributary river basins of the Indian Ocean and those of the Kalahari (Makgadikgadi swamp in Botswana) or towards the Zambezi runs.; there are numerous residual granite reliefs, locally referred to as kopje, which arise isolated in the savannah. On the sides of this median section the ancient crystalline base is covered by extensive sedimentary formations deposited in the time span between the Upper Precambrian and the Lower Mesozoic, among which the conglomeratic and arenaceous-clayey deposits of a continental environment are characteristic. very extensive formation of the Karroo, ranging in age from Cambrian to Jurassic; towards the internal depression the Cenozoic soils predominate. Both the crystalline base and the continental deposits are richly and variously mineralized: above all, considerable concentrations of useful minerals, especially chromium, are found along the Great Dyke, an outcrop of basic effusive rocks in which dolerites prevail, which crosses from N to Yes, almost halfway, the country for approx. 480 km, with a variable width between 5 and 10 km. In relation to the altitude, the territory is usually divided into three zones (or veld, a term of Dutch origin meaning field, plain): the high Veld, over 1400 m, which occupies a large part of the central area, on the Harare-Bulawayo axis; the middle Veld, included between 700 and 1400 m, mainly extended to the NW and SE; and the lower Veld, which includes the valley regions of the Zambezi to the N and the Limpopo to S. Towards the E, along the marginal edge of the continental plateaus, rises the chain of the Inyanga mountains, which culminates over 2500 m (2592 m) and precipitates with steep escarpments towards the Mozambican hilly region, which slopes down towards the Sofala bay; the origin of this chain, which represents the highest stretch of the territory, as well as that of the Mavuradonha mountains (1733 m) dominating the Zambezi, is linked so much to the repercussions of the intense tectonic activity that affected between the Jurassic and the Southern Africa was cretaceous, as to the influence of the massive dislocations that subsequently struck East Africa. Various peaks exceed 1500m in the high Veld mountain range, such as Mtoro (1583m), SE of Harare, and Mquilembegwe (1545m), SE of Bulawayo.