Top Education Schools in North Dakota

Your search has generated 2 top-ranked education schools in North Dakota. These colleges offer graduate study in field of education, leading to an Master degree. Check out the following table to see a list of major educational schools in the state of North Dakota, each with enrollment statistics, tuition fees and contact information.

List of Best Education Colleges in North Dakota

Rank Education University
1 University of North Dakota
Box 7189
Grand Forks, ND 58202
School: College of Education and Human Development
In-State Tuition: $253 per credit
Out-of-State Tuition: $676 per credit
Enrollment: 188
2 North Dakota State University
Box 6050, Department 2600
Fargo, ND 58108
School: School of Education
In-State Tuition: $252 per credit
Out-of-State Tuition: $673 per credit
Enrollment: 22

Top Education Schools in North Dakota

Atlantic lowland

The Atlantic Lowland stretches for more than three and a half thousand kilometers along the Atlantic coast of the United States from Cape Cod in Massachusetts to the border with Mexico in the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas.

It is the flattest and lowest of all the physical and geographical regions of the country, the average height above sea level here does not exceed several hundred meters. The lowland recedes from the ocean at a distance of 50 to several hundred kilometers, and also “cuts” deep into the continent along the Mississippi River. The coast is indented by a huge number of bays, bays, river deltas, and there are a lot of wetlands on its territory. Descending into the ocean, the Atlantic lowland smoothly passes into the continental shelf.

The largest provinces in the region are the Atlantic Lowland and the Gulf Coastal Lowland.

Laurentian Upland

The Laurentian Uplands is part of the Canadian Shield, a vast region located in the center of the North American continent, mainly in Canada. In the United States of America, the Laurentian Uplands occupies northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The region is characterized by undulating relief with average heights of 200-400 meters above sea level. There are many small rivers and lakes, the territory is mostly covered with forests.

Inner highlands

The Interior Highlands is a mountain range located in eastern Oklahoma, northwestern Arkansas, southern Missouri, and southwestern Kansas. The Inner Highlands are divided into two regions: the Ozark Plateau and the Washita Mountains.

The Washita is a mountain range in Arkansas and Oklahoma, its highest point being Mount Store Mountain (839 meters above sea level).

The Ozark Plateau (also known as the “Ozark Mountains”) is a mountainous area (primarily in Missouri and Arkansas) separated from the Washita Mountains by the Arkansas River Valley. The Ozarks are formed by the Boston Mountains (up to 780 meters above sea level) in the south, the Springfield Plateau in the west, the Salem Plateau in the east, and the Saint Francois Mountains (up to 540 meters above sea level) in the northeast.

The Interior Highlands is the only major mountainous region in the United States between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.