If you are going to pursue a graduate degree in chemistry within the United States, then you have come to the right place. On this page, you will find the top 60 best chemistry schools in USA. Please note that these rankings are based on student reviews, graduation rates, and the academic surveys submitted by peer colleges and universities throughout the nation.
Ranking | School Name |
51 | Florida State University – Tallahassee, FL |
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Address: Dittmer Building, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4390 Admissions Phone: (888) 525-9286 Admissions E-mail: gradinfo@chem.fsu.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.fsu.edu/ |
52 | Rockefeller University – New York, NY |
Chemical and Structural Biology Address: 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065-6399 Admissions Phone: (212) 327-8000 Admissions E-mail: phd@rockefeller.edu Admissions Website: http://www.rockefeller.edu/graduate/prospective/admissions |
53 | University of Rochester – Rochester, NY |
Department of Chemistry Address: Box 270216, Rochester, NY 14627-0216 Admissions Phone: (585) 275-0635 Admissions E-mail: gradrec@chem.rochester.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.rochester.edu/graduate/ |
54 | University of Southern California – Los Angeles, CA |
Department of Chemistry Admissions Phone: (213) 740-7036 Admissions E-mail: chemmail@usc.edu Admissions Website: http://chem.usc.edu/ |
55 | University of Virginia – Charlottesville, VA |
Department of Chemistry Address: McCormick Road , Charlottesville, VA 22904-4319 Admissions Phone: (434) 924-3344 Admissions E-mail: chem@virginia.edu Admissions Website: http://chem.virginia.edu/ |
56 | North Carolina State University – Raleigh, NC |
Department of Chemistry Address: 2620 Yarbrough Drive, Raleigh, NC 27695 Admissions Phone: (919) 515-8912 Admissions E-mail: gradinfo@chemdept.chem.ncsu.edu Admissions Website: http://www.ncsu.edu/chemistry/index.html |
57 | Stony Brook University – SUNY – Stony Brook, NY |
Department of Chemistry Admissions Phone: (631) 632-7880 Admissions E-mail: chemgrad@notes.cc.sunysb.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.stonybrook.edu/# |
58 | University of Georgia – Athens, GA |
Department of Chemistry Admissions Phone: (706) 542-1936 Admissions E-mail: grad_program@chem.uga.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.uga.edu/DoC/index.cfm |
59 | University of Massachusetts – Amherst – Amherst, MA |
Department of Chemistry Address: 104 Lederle Graduate Research Tower A, Amherst, MA 01003 Admissions Phone: (413) 545-2291 Admissions E-mail: gpd@chem.umass.edu Admissions Website: http://www.chem.umass.edu/ |
60 | Arizona State University – Tempe, AZ |
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Address: Physical Sciences Building, Room D-102, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604 Admissions Phone: (480) 965-3461 Admissions E-mail: martha.mcdowell@asu.edu Admissions Website: http://chemistry.asu.edu/graduate/ |