Top Physics Schools in Delaware

On, you can learn what the top-ranked physics colleges and universities are in Delaware, and compare the best physics colleges, and get the latest ranking of best schools for physics in Delaware. From the following table, please see full list of top graduate schools of physics in Delaware including school information and contact profile.

Top Physics Schools in Delaware

1 University of Delaware, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Address: 217 Sharp Laboratory , Newark, DE 19716-2593
Phone: (302) 831-2676

US government

The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic, which includes fifty states; the federal district of Columbia, in which the capital of the United States, Washington, and territories with special status (Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Palmyra Atoll) are located.

The US government system is defined by the US Constitution. It is the Constitution that governs both the system of federal government of the United States and the relationship between federal and state governments, and with US citizens.

The US Constitution provides for the principle of separation of powers into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Such a system is designed to balance all the institutions of power, without giving advantages to any of them, and thereby preserve the existing democratic system.

The federal government of the United States of America is located in the capital of the United States, Washington, a city purpose-built to house the supreme government. The District of Columbia, in which Washington is located, is not part of any of the fifty states of the United States.

The highest legislative body of the American state is the US Congress.

It is Congress that sets federal taxes, forms and maintains the military, declares war, determines the rules for obtaining citizenship, has the power to mint money, establishes the postal service, determines the units of measurement, establishes courts (subordinate to the Supreme Court), and has authority in many other matters. Congress also makes the laws necessary to exercise all the powers granted by the Constitution to the US federal government.

Congress has the right, in cases specifically stipulated by law, to conduct impeachment proceedings – removal from office of the President of the United States, federal judges and other government officials.

In addition, the US Congress has the power to directly govern the District of Columbia (although in practice the city is governed by a mayor and city council).

The seat of the US Congress is the Capitol, a majestic building in downtown Washington.

The US Congress is bicameral. The highest house of Congress, the Senate, consists of 100 members elected for six years. Each of the fifty states of the United States is represented in the upper house of Congress by two senators. The lower house of Congress, the House of Representatives, has 435 congressmen. They are elected for two years from electoral districts, with the representation of a state in the House of Representatives in proportion to its population.

The executive branch of the federal government is headed by the President of the United States, who is both head of state and government.

The President of the United States is elected for four years, and one person cannot hold office for more than two terms.

Only after the signing by the President of the laws adopted by Congress come into force. The President also has the power of veto, which Congress can only override with a two-thirds vote in both chambers.

The President of the United States is also the Supreme Commander of the United States Armed Forces.

The President of the United States directly directs the activities of all executive agencies of the federal government.

The “second” person in the United States is the Vice President, who takes over as President of the United States in the event of the death, impeachment (removal from office) or resignation of the incumbent President of the United States.

The residence of the President of the United States is the White House in Washington DC.

The highest court in the federal judiciary is the US Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court consists of nine members elected for life. It is possible to release a member of the Supreme Court from his post only at his own request or as a result of the impeachment procedure. Candidates for the position of a member of the Supreme Court are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court includes cases in which one of the parties is the US federal government, court cases between states, between a state and a citizen of another state, and others. When necessary, the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution, thereby fulfilling the functions of a constitutional court.

The US Supreme Court can strike down any law passed by Congress or any executive order by the President. To overturn the decision of the Supreme Court, it is necessary to pass an amendment to the US Constitution (this has happened three times in the history of the United States).

The residence of the US Supreme Court, as well as other branches of government of the American state, is located in Washington.