Want to become a dentist, dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental nurse, dental technician, or dental therapist? The following schools of dentistry in Washington offer pre-dental studies, general dentistry, dental assisting, and dental hygiene studies towards a bachelor’s , master’s, doctorate, or a professional degree. Please know that some Washington dental schools also provide certificates or postgraduate training in general dentistry. Check the following table for street address and official website of each school of dental medicine in the state of Washington.
List of Dentistry Colleges in Washington |
University of Washington School of Dentistry Address: 1959 NE Pacific St B-307, Seattle, WA 98195 Website: http://www.dental.washington.edu/ |
The racial composition of the US population
The racial composition of the US population is very diverse, it includes all the races of the world: Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid.
The racial diversity of the United States has developed historically. The indigenous people of North America, American Indians are Mongoloids. European settlers belonged to the white, Caucasoid, race. Numerous slaves brought from Africa to the United States belong to the Negroid race. Immigration to the United States from almost all countries of the world and interracial marriages have further increased the racial differences in the US population.
In the United States today, racial identity is more a matter of self-identification than of genetic ancestry. The determination of race in the United States is carried out during the census, and each person determines his own race.
The US Census Bureau, a government agency that collects statistical (primarily demographic) data on the US population, identifies the following racial types:
- Whites (European Americans) – descendants of immigrants from countries in Europe, the Middle East or North Africa
- Blacks (African Americans) – people traceable to any black racial group in Africa
- Asians (Asian Americans) – descended from the peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia and India
- Native Americans (Indians or Eskimos of Alaska) – representatives of any of the indigenous peoples of North, Central and South America, retaining their belonging to a tribe or community
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islanders – descended from the peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other islands of Oceania
- Other races – each person can classify himself in this category, calling himself, for example, “African Indian”. In fact, when conducting US censuses, people call themselves “mixed”, “mulatto”, “Creole”
- Two or more races – although there is no separate “multi-racial” category in the US Census, in subsequent data processing, this racial category includes people who marked themselves as belonging to several races (for example, “white” and “Asian”).
The US Census Bureau announced that future censuses (and they are held every ten years in the US) will also use the category ” Middle Eastern Americans “, which will include people from the Middle East and North Africa.
The number of racial groups in the US population | ||
Race | Percentage of the US population belonging to this race | The population of the United States belonging to this race |
White Americans | 72.4% | about 235 million people |
Blacks (African Americans) | 12.6% | about 41 million people |
Other races | 6.2% | more than 20 million people |
Asians (Asian Americans) | 4.8% | about 16 million people |
Two or more races | 2.9% | more than 9 million people |
Native Americans (Indians or Eskimos) | 0.9% | about 3 million people |
Native Hawaiians or Oceanians | 0.2% | about 0.6 million people |
White Americans are the racial majority in all regions of the USA, the highest percentage of the white population is in the states of the Midwest of the USA (up to 85% of the residents), the smallest percentage of whites is in the South of the USA(about 35% of the population). Only in the state of Hawaii and Washington, D.C. are whites a minority. In addition, four US states (California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas) have less than fifty percent non-Hispanic White American populations, meaning whites are also effectively a minority here.
The largest racial minority in the United States is black Americans. Most African Americans (about 55% of the total black population in the US) live in the states of the US South.
The states of the Western United States are the most racially diverse region of the country. About 46% of Asian Americans live here; almost half of Native Americans (American Indians and Alaska Eskimos ); 68% Native Pacific Islanders; 37% of people identifying themselves as “two or more races”; 46% of US residents who belong to “other races”.