ACT Test Centers and Dates in Uruguay

Your search found 1 match. The following is the full list of ACT testing locations in Uruguay among which you can pick one to take the exam. Please know that on the test day, test takers can use any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator. On the table below, you can also find all test dates through 2019.

ACT Testing Locations in Uruguay

2019-2020 ACT Test Dates in Uruguay

Test Date Registration Deadline
February 9, 2019 January 11, 2019
April 13, 2019 March 8, 2019
June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019
July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019
September 14, 2019 August 16, 2019
October 26, 2019 September 20, 2019
December 14, 2019 November 8, 2019
February 8, 2020 January 10, 2020
April 4, 2020 February 28, 2020
June 13, 2020 May 8, 2020
July 18, 2020 June 19, 2020

ACT Test Centers in Uruguay

City Center Name Center Code
Montevideo Uruguayan American School 867810

ACT Test Centers and Dates in Uruguay

More about Uruguay


In contrast to other states in Latin America, Uruguay is a haven of political stability. The democratic development that began in the 19th century was interrupted by the military dictatorship (1973–85).

According to the constitution of November 27, 1966 (in force since February 1967; revised several times), the country is a presidential republic. The President, who is directly elected for a period of five years, is the head of state and chief executive. He appoints the members of his cabinet, has a veto right in the legislative process and, under certain conditions, can dissolve parliament. The legislature lies with the bicameral parliament (Asamblea General or Congreso; legislative period: 5 years), consisting of the Senate (31 members, 30 of whom are directly elected and the Vice President ex officio) and the House of Representatives (99 directly elected members). Constitutional reforms must, laws passed by parliament can be submitted to a referendum.

In the parliamentary elections on October 27, 2019, after fifteen years with left-wing governments, there was a political change to a coalition of the right led by L. Lacalle from the conservative Partido Nacional. He prevailed in the runoff election for President on November 24, 2019 against the left-wing candidate Daniel Martínez (* 1957) (took office March 1, 2020). The goals of Lacalle’s government, which is also supported by a right-wing extremist parliamentary party, are tax breaks, debt reduction and a more economical public administration.


The Uruguayan party system is one of the oldest in the world. The traditional parties Partido Nacional (PN, Blancos) and Partido Colorado (PC, Colorados), founded in 1836, represent right-wing conservative and liberal currents. On the left side of the party spectrum is the party alliance Frente Amplio (FA, founded 1971), at times also active as Encuentro Progresista-Frente Amplio (EP-FA) or Encuentro Progresista-Frente Amplio / Nueva Mayoria (EP-FA / NM). The Partido Independiente (PI; founded in 2003) is in the center-left of the political spectrum.


The umbrella organization Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT – CNT, founded in 1985) comprises around 70 individual trade unions with around 400,000 members.


The total strength of the volunteer army is about 24,000 men; the paramilitary forces have around 2,000 members of the coast guard and 500 each of the capital and republican guards. The army (around 15,600 soldiers) is mainly divided into 5 infantry brigades (one of which is mechanized), a pioneer and artillery brigade and 3 cavalry brigades with a total of 10 mounted, mechanized and motorized battalions. The air force has around 3,000 and the navy around 6,000 men.


The country is divided into 19 departments with limited self-government (separate legislative and administrative bodies).

Administrative division in Uruguay

Administrative division (2016)
Department Area (in km 2) Population(in 1,000) Residents(per km 2) capital city
Artigas 11 928 75.0 6.3 Artigas
Canelones 4,536 574.1 126.6 Canelones
Cerro Largo 13 648 89.5 6.6 Melo
Colonia 6 106 129.6 21.2 Colonia del Sacramento
Durazno 11 643 59.0 5.1 Durazno
Flores 5 144 26.5 5.2 Trinidad
Florida 10 417 69.3 6.7 Florida
Lavalleja 10 016 59.3 5.9 Minas
Maldonado 4,793 185.1 38.6 Maldonado
Montevideo 530 1,380.4 2,604.5 Montevideo
Paysandú 13 922 118.8 8.5 Paysandú
Río Negro 9 282 57.4 6.2 Fray Bentos
Rivera 9 370 108.1 11.5 Rivera
Rocha 10 551 73.9 7.0 Rocha
Somersault 14 163 131.8 9.3 Somersault
San Jose 4,992 114.7 23.0 San Jose de Mayo
Soriano 9 008 84.1 9.3 Mercedes
Tacuarembó 15 438 93.1 6.0 Tacuarembó
Treinta y Tres 9 529 50.5 5.3 Treinta y Tres


The independence of the judiciary is enshrined in the constitution. At the top of the judicial system is the Supreme Court (Suprema Corte de Justicia), whose five members are elected by parliament for a ten-year term. It also acts as a constitutional court. Subordinate to the Supreme Court are appellate courts, courts of first instance and courts of justice. There is also the administrative court and the audit office. The civil code of 1868 is mainly Chilean and Spanish in character. The commercial code of 1865 followed the Argentine model.


There is general compulsory schooling between the ages of 6 and 15. The primary level lasts 6 years, followed by the secondary level. It consists of a three-year compulsory cycle, which can be followed by a second cycle. Here you can choose between a three-year course to achieve university entrance qualification (bachillerato) or a two-year technical-vocational training course. In the tertiary sector, there are no university institutions for teacher training. In addition to the five universities, including the state university in Montevideo (University of the Republic; founded 1849), there are two institutes that are equivalent to the universities and a state technical school.