Geography of Greenville, Mississippi

By | March 8, 2024

According to citiesplustowns, Greenville, Mississippi, is a city located in the heart of the Mississippi Delta, a fertile region known for its rich soil, abundant agricultural resources, and cultural heritage. Situated in Washington County, Greenville is positioned along the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, which has played a significant role in shaping the geography and history of the area. The geography of Greenville is characterized by its flat terrain, lush vegetation, and a humid subtropical climate, which contributes to the city’s agricultural productivity and natural beauty.

Geographically, Greenville covers an area of approximately 27.2 square miles and is bordered by several municipalities, including Leland to the north, Cleveland to the south, and Lake Village, Arkansas, across the Mississippi River to the west. The city is located approximately 130 miles northwest of Jackson, the state capital, and is part of the larger Mississippi Delta region, which encompasses several counties in the western part of the state. Greenville is divided into several distinct neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and amenities.

One of the defining geographic features of Greenville is its location along the Mississippi River, one of the longest rivers in the United States. The river serves as a natural boundary to the west, providing residents with access to water-based recreation such as fishing, boating, and waterfowl hunting. The Mississippi River also serves as a major transportation route for shipping and commerce, contributing to the city’s economic vitality and significance.

The landscape of Greenville is characterized by its flat terrain and fertile soil, which are ideal for agriculture and have made the Mississippi Delta one of the most productive agricultural regions in the country. The city is situated at a relatively low elevation, with most areas ranging from around 100 to 200 feet above sea level. The flat terrain of Greenville provides residents with opportunities for outdoor activities such as biking, walking, and birdwatching, while also contributing to the city’s spacious and open feel.

The climate of Greenville is classified as humid subtropical, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, relatively dry winters. The city experiences four distinct seasons, with temperature variations throughout the year. Summers in Greenville are hot and humid, with average high temperatures in the 90s Fahrenheit from June to August. Thunderstorms are common during the summer months, providing much-needed rainfall for the region and contributing to the lush greenery of the landscape.

Winters in Greenville are mild, with average high temperatures in the 50s and 60s Fahrenheit from December to February. The city receives an average of around 50 inches of precipitation annually, with the heaviest rainfall occurring between March and May. Snow is rare in Greenville, with only occasional light snowfall in the winter months. However, freezing rain and sleet can occur during winter storms, leading to hazardous driving conditions.

Spring and fall in Greenville are transitional seasons characterized by gradually warming or cooling temperatures as the region transitions between summer and winter. Spring brings blooming flowers, including azaleas, dogwoods, and magnolias, while fall is marked by cooler temperatures and changing foliage as the leaves of deciduous trees turn shades of yellow, orange, and red before winter sets in. These transitional seasons offer pleasant weather for outdoor activities and events, making them popular times of year for residents and visitors alike.

The unique geography and climate of Greenville have shaped the city’s culture, economy, and way of life. The flat terrain, lush vegetation, and fertile soil provide residents with opportunities for outdoor recreation and contribute to the city’s agricultural productivity and natural beauty. The city’s location along the Mississippi River, with its significance and economic importance, has influenced the development of Greenville as a hub for shipping, commerce, and industry in the region.

Greenville’s economy is diverse and includes sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and tourism. The city is home to several major employers, including Delta Regional Medical Center, a healthcare system serving the region, and Mississippi State University’s Delta Research and Extension Center, which conducts research and provides outreach programs related to agriculture and natural resources. The city’s rich cultural heritage, with its music, food, and arts scene, also contributes to the local economy and provides a unique and cultural experience for residents and visitors alike.