GMAT Test Centers in Argentina

GMAT Testing Location

We have found 1 GMAT test centre in Argentina, located in Buenos Aires. For specific test dates of 2019, please refer to the end of this page.

GMAT Test Centers in Argentina


Maipu 672
C1006ACH Buenos Aires
Phone: 5411-5382-1522

Test Center Information

El centro está ubicado en Maipú 672
entre las calles Tucumán y Viamonte
a tres cuadras de la Avenida 9 de Julio
y dos cuadras de la Av. Córdoba

GMAT Exam Dates in Argentina

Unlike some paper based exams, the GMAT is computer based. Therefore, there are no fixed test dates for GMAT. Wherever you are in Argentina, all test centers are open from Monday through Saturday throughout the year. Some even offer the exam every day of the year.  However, some test centers are not open on Sundays and national holidays. For example, most college-based test centers might be closed for extended periods around holidays. For precise testing dates in Argentina, please visit test-maker website –

More about Argentina


According to the constitution of August 24, 1994, Argentina is a presidential federal republic. Head of state, supreme owner of the executive and commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the president, who is directly elected for a period of 4 years (only one direct re-election possible). If none of the candidates receives 45% or 40% of the votes in the first ballot with a gap of at least 10% to their strongest rival, a runoff is required. The head of cabinet appointed by the president conducts government affairs and can be removed by a vote of no confidence by parliament (absolute majority of both chambers required). However, his room for maneuver is restricted by being bound by instructions from the President. President 2015–19 was M. Macri , Candidate of the conservative electoral alliance »Cambiemos«. He failed in the fight against the severe economic crisis with recession, great depreciation of the peso and high inflation. The population voted him out on October 27, 2019. The winner of the election with 48.1% of the votes and the new president (from December 10, 2019) is Peronist A. Fernández .

The legislature lies with the National Congress, consisting of the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados; 257 members, elected for four years) and the Senate (Senado; 72 senators, elected directly for six years). Half of the members of the Chamber of Deputies are appointed every two years and one third of the senators are appointed every two years. Both chambers and the executive have the right to introduce bills; every law requires the approval of both chambers. The President has a suspensive veto right in the legislative process, which can be overruled by a two-thirds majority of both chambers.

National symbols

The national flag shows the colors blue over white over blue in horizontal stripes. The state flag bears the golden May sun (“sol de mayo”) with 32 alternating straight and flamed rays on the front in a white stripe.

The coat of arms (1813) shows the Phrygian cap against a sky-blue-silver background (national colors since 1812), a symbol of freedom; it is held by two “faithful hands” symbolizing the fraternal covenant of the united provinces. The coat of arms is surrounded by a green wreath of leaves, on the coat of arms a golden May sun with 19 alternating straight and flamed rays.

National holidays are May 25th (May Revolution 1810) and July 9th (Independence Day).


Traditional parties are the Partido Justicialista (PJ; Peronists ) founded in 1946 and the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR; German Radical Citizens’ Union) founded in 1890. The Peronist camp is characterized by fragmentation into different currents or electoral alliances with different programmatic approaches. This is how NC Kirchner came into being 2003 the left-Peronist alliance Frente para la Victoria (FPV; German Front für den Sieg). In 2013 the conservative-Peronist electoral alliance Frente Renovador (FR; German Renewal Front) was formed as an antipole to the FPV. The Kirchner camp was newly formed in 2017 in the Unidad Ciudadana party (UC; German citizen unit). The UCR is part of the bourgeois-conservative alliance Cambiemos (German Let’s Change), founded in 2015, to which the parties Propuesta Republicana (PRO; German Republican proposal; founded 2005) and the Coalición Cívica (CC-ARI; German Citizens’ Coalition) belong.


The Argentine trade unions traditionally have great political influence and relatively high membership. The largest trade union federation is the Peronist Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT).


Argentina consists of 23 provinces and the federal district of Buenos Aires. The provincial governors are elected by the respective provincial parliaments.

Administrative division in Argentina

Administrative structure (2017)
Provinces Area (in km 2) Population (in 1,000) Residents(per km 2) capital city
Federal District *) 203 3,063.7 15 092 Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires 307 571 17,020.0 55 La Plata
Catamarca 102 602 404.4 4th Catamarca
Chaco 99 633 1,168.2 12th Resistencia
Chubut 224 686 588.0 3 Rawson
Cordoba 165 321 3,645.3 22nd Cordoba
Corrientes 88 199 1,090.9 12th Corrientes
Entre Ríos 78 781 1,347.5 17th Paraná
Formosa 72 066 589.9 8th Formosa
Jujuy 53 219 745.3 14th Jujuy
La Pampa 143 440 349.3 2 Santa Rosa
La Rioja 89 680 378.0 4th La Rioja
Mendoza 148 827 1,928.3 13th Mendoza
Misiones 29 801 1,218.8 41 Posadas
Neuquén 94 078 637.9 7th Neuquén
Río Negro 203 013 718.6 4th Viedma
Salta 155 488 1,370.3 9 Salta
San Juan 89 651 756.0 8th San Juan
San Luis 76 748 489.2 6th San Luis
Santa Cruz 243 943 338.5 1 Río Gallegos
Santa Fe 133 007 3,453.7 26th Santa Fe
Santiago del Estero 136 351 948.2 7th Santiago del Estero
Tierra del Fuego 21 571 160.7 7th Ushuaia
Tucuman 22 524 1,634.0 73 Tucuman
*) Federal District