GMAT Test Centers in Chile

GMAT Testing Location

We have found 1 GMAT test centre in Chile, located in Santiago. For specific test dates of 2019, please refer to the end of this page.

GMAT Test Centers in Chile

Institututo Chileno Norteamericano Testing Center

Moneda #1467
Phone: 56-2-2677-7128

Test Center Information

Directions are not available for this test center.

GMAT Exam Dates in Chile

Unlike some paper based exams, the GMAT is computer based. Therefore, there are no fixed test dates for GMAT. Wherever you are in Chile, all test centers are open from Monday through Saturday throughout the year. Some even offer the exam every day of the year.  However, some test centers are not open on Sundays and national holidays. For example, most college-based test centers might be closed for extended periods around holidays. For precise testing dates in Chile, please visit test-maker website –

More about Chile


The legislature lies with the Congress, consisting of the Senate (43 members elected for eight years) and the Chamber of Deputies (155 members elected for four years). Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority of both chambers of parliament.

According to the constitution that came into force on March 11, 1981 (which has since been amended), Chile is a presidential republic. The head of state and supreme owner of the executive (head of government) is the president, who is directly elected for 4 years (immediate re-election is not possible). He appoints the members of the cabinet and has the right to issue decrees with the force of law.

Piñera has been president since 2017 as a candidate of the right-wing conservative alliance “Chile Vamos” (Spanish: “Let’s go Chile”), which consists of four center-right parties. Piñera was head of state from 2010 to 2014. – After bloody unrest in October 2019, which was directed against the social and economic inequality in the country, the government and opposition agreed to hold a referendum in 2020 on whether the country should get a new constitution. On October 25, 2020, a majority of Chileans voted for a new constitution to be drawn up. It is to be drawn up by a constituent assembly with 155 delegates, which was elected in May 2021. The draft constitution will be voted on in another referendum in 2022. The currently valid Basic Law dates from the time of the Pinochet dictatorship. It is because of the strong bundling of powers in the government,

National symbols

The national flag created in 1817 is white over red divided horizontally with a blue square in the upper corner on the leech; in the square a white, five-pointed star symbolizing the five original provinces.

The coat of arms, adopted in 1834, shows in the center a blue-red divided coat of arms shield covered with a silver star, held by a condor and a Huemul (native species of deer); Above the shield three ostrich feathers in the national colors, underneath on a ribbon the motto “Por la Razón o la Fuerza” (With reason or violence) from the time of the fight against the Spaniards.

The national holiday is September 18th. It commemorates the establishment of a junta in Santiago de Chile after the Spanish captain general was driven out in 1810.


The Political Parties Act of 1987 legalized the formation of political parties that were banned after the 1973 military coup. The various parties come together in alliances or alliances with different programmatic orientations. The most important forces of the right-wing conservative alliance “Chile Vamos” (German Forward Chile) are Renovación Nacional (RN; German National Renewal) and Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI; German Independent Democratic Union). The “La Fuerza de la Mayoría” (German The Power of the Majority) alliance includes the Partido Socialista (PS; German Socialist Party), the Partido por la Democracia (PPD; German Party for Democracy), the Partido Comunista de Chile (PCCh; German Communist Party of Chile) and the Partido Radical Socialdemócrata (PRSD; German party of radical social democrats). The Partido Demócrata Cristiano (PDC; German Christian Democratic Party) is the most important force in the alliance “Convergencia Democrática” (German democratic union). Ecological and left-wing groups, including the Partido Humanista (PH; German Humanist Party) and Revolución Democrática (RD; German Democratic Revolution), form the »Frente Amplio« (German Broad Front) alliance.


The traditional Chilean unions, which were largely banned after the military coup of 1973, have been reorganized since the late 1980s. In addition to individual trade unions, there are several large umbrella organizations, including the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile (CUT-Chile), the Central Autónoma de Trabajadores (CAT) and the Movimiento Unitario de Campesinos y Etnias de Chile (MUCECH).


The total strength of the conscription army (service time in the army 12 months, in the air force and navy 22 months) is around 59,100 men, the paramilitary police force (“Carabineros”) has 44,700 men. The army (around 35,000 men) has six divisions, the navy has 16,300 and the air force 7,800.


The country is divided into 15 regions with 54 provinces. At the head of the regions is an Intendente Regional appointed by the President, and a Gobernador Provincial at the head of the provinces.

Administrative division in Chile Stäng tabell

Administrative division (2016)
Administrative region Area(in km 2) Population(in 1,000) Residents(per km 2) capital city
Arica parinacota 16 873 243.1 12.7 Arica
Tarapacá 42 226 344.8 8.2 Iquique
Antofagasta 126 049 631.9 5.0 Antofagasta
Atacama 75 176 316.7 4.2 Copiapó
Coquimbo 40 580 782.8 19.3 La Serena
Valparaíso 16 396 1,842.9 112.4 Valparaíso
Metropolitana de Santiago 15 403 7 399.0 480.4 Santiago
Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins 16 387 926.8 56.6 Rancagua
Mouth 30 296 1,050.3 34.7 Talca
Biobío 37 063 2 127.9 57.4 Concepción
La Araucanía 31 842 996.0 31.3 Temuco
Los Rios 18 430 407.3 22.1 Valdivia
Los Lagos 48 584 847.5 17.4 Puerto Montt
Aisén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo 108 494 109.3 1.0 Coihaique
Magallanes y Antártica 132 297 *) 165.5 1.3 Punta Arenas
*) without Antarctica