There are 2 high school codes in Niger today, according to the ACT. The full list is shown below by city, with name of each high school and the city where the school is located (based on the ACT official site). You can search a school code by pressing “Ctrl” + “F” and then type school name or 6-digit school code.
Map of Niger
High School Codes by City
- High School Code
- 629020
- High School Code
- 630629
The above lists CEEB codes (College Entrance Examination Board) for all accredited Niger high schools. Please be informed that the list of high school codes in Niger may change throughout the year. If you can’t find codes for the high schools of your interest, please write to us or come back at a later time. We will update our database soon after a new high school code is added to the country of Niger.
Country Abbreviations
NER is the three-letter country code of Niger, and NE is the two-letter country code of Niger. The two-letter suffix is used in top-level domains on the Internet as .ne.
The economic upturn caused by uranium mining in the 1970s only lasted until the late 1980s, when uranium prices began to fall on world markets. The extremely fluctuating rainfall and pest infestation as well as the inadequate transport options are also hampering the economic development of the landlocked state of Niger. In terms of gross national income (GNI) of (2017) US $ 360 per resident, Niger is one of the poorest countries in Africa. The country’s economic policy is primarily determined by guidelines from the IMF and World Bank and is showing initial successes. 2010 reached the gross domestic product (GDP) an increase of 7.5% (2016: 4.9%). Conditions for further debt relief initiatives (foreign debt 2016: 5.4 billion US $) are the fight against corruption, continuation of privatizations and investments in social infrastructure.
Foreign trade: The foreign trade balance is chronically negative (import value 2016: 1.9 billion US $, export value: 0.9 billion US $). Above all, uranium ore and crude oil (together 50.6% export share), gold, live cattle and agricultural products are exported. Equipment, food and petroleum products are imported. The main trading partners are France, Nigeria, the USA and China.
Although only 12.6% of the country’s area is suitable for arable farming and another 22.8% for cattle breeding, over 80% of the workforce work in agriculture, which is mainly operated as a subsistence economy. They generate 39.9% of GDP. The most important crops are millet, cassava, potatoes, legumes, rice, onions and peanuts. Permanent agriculture is limited to the banks of the Niger and an approximately 150 km wide strip along the border with Nigeria. The livestock farming (cattle, goats and sheep), which is mainly run by nomads and semi-nomads, is concentrated in the central and northern Sahel zone. Although onions, peanuts and tomatoes are exported, the country is heavily dependent on foreign food aid, especially in drought years.
Forestry: Forest and scrubland cover only 0.9% of the country’s area. Over 90% of the logs are used as firewood. State-sponsored reforestation is intended to prevent the desert from expanding to the south.
Fishing: Fishing is carried out in Lake Chad, Niger and its tributaries for local personal use.
Natural resources
Uranium, which has been mined near Arlit since 1971 and also near Akouta since 1978, is one of the country’s most important export products and Niger is one of the largest producing countries in the world. Since 2012, the oil reserves on the border with Chad have been exploited with Chinese help. The gold mining carried out with Canadian support is also important. Silver, tin, sulfuric acid, salt, gypsum and limestone are also extracted. Other natural resources are coal, iron ore, phosphate and nickel.
Due to the shortage of skilled workers, the tightness of the internal market and high transport costs, industrial development is advancing slowly. The productive industry is concentrated in Niamey. The industry primarily processes agricultural products (including oil and rice mills, peanut husk and cotton ginning plants); Furthermore, goods and consumer goods are produced (e.g. soap, beer, textiles, agricultural implements).
The development of tourism is hampered by the lack of infrastructure and political instability (2015: 126,000 foreign guests). The main tourist destinations are the desert landscapes and nature parks. Desert expeditions are among others. offered by local companies.
Inland Niger lies off the great land and waterways. Large parts of the country are undeveloped and the infrastructure is concentrated in the south. There is no railroad. The most important road connection of the 20 100 km long road network (only 4,400 km paved) is the road from Niamey via Dosso to the railway terminus Parakou in Benin. The railway line from Parakou to the Atlantic port of Cotonou is operated jointly by Benin and Niger. Agadès is an important crossing point on the eastern Trans-Saharan road. Inland navigation on the Niger from Niamey to Gaya-Malanville is only possible from September to March. There are international airports at Niamey, Agadès and Zinder.