How to Find Amazon Keywords

By | February 2, 2024

If a customer on Amazon is interested in a specific product, they usually enter a search term in the search. Only very few users click through the navigation and filter options, but rather , driven by their buying interest , they already know quite exactly what they are looking for.

Based on the keywords in the search query, the Amazon algorithm puts together suitable products for the customer. So in order to appear there – ideally at the top of the search results – you have to use the right keywords in your offers. We’ll explain to you how to find this out reliably.

Why are keywords so important on Amazon?

According to zipcodesexplorer, the goal of Amazon keyword research is to find the terms that potential buyers use to search for your products. As an example, let’s assume that you sell bags. Some buyers will now enter “backpack” in their search, but others will, for example, “ Daypack 22 liters ” and still others will only search for “hand luggage” . With keyword research you can find all of these terms, incorporate them into a listing and make it clear to the algorithm that your product should be displayed for these search queries.

5 ways to do Amazon keyword analysis

But how do you get the keywords that match your product?

1. Find keywords through brainstorming and your own knowledge

Think about what you as a customer would be looking for when it comes to your product – and you’ve already researched the first keywords. Your own search behavior and knowledge about your products can be very informative. In the next step, synonyms for the terms found can be searched in appropriate databases. So the keyword list keeps growing. It’s best to collect all keywords in an Excel list (you can use the “Remove Duplicates” function to sort out duplicates at the end).

2. Use Amazon Auto-Suggest for keyword research

Have you collected your first keyword ideas? Then you can now use Amazon itself to get more keywords for your list. For example, enter your main Amazon keyword in the search bar, followed by a space and look at the suggestions from Amazon Auto-Suggest. Here too you can find helpful terms that users have searched for on the marketplace. This procedure can be done in even more detail by entering the letters of the alphabet one after the other after your main keyword (e.g. “backpack a,” “backpack b,” etc.) and going through the suggestions.

3. Amazon competitor keywords

Also a legitimate means: Look at what the competition is doing – and do it better. In some competitor listings you may come across keywords that were previously missing from your Amazon keyword research. You may also recognize gaps that no competitor has yet filled and that you can cover with your listing.

4. Customer reviews reveal additional keywords

Sometimes dealers and customers don’t always speak the same language. But this is particularly important when it comes to keyword research. A listing that is perfectly optimized for certain keywords that no user is searching for will not be successful. So don’t just think about what you as an expert call your product, but above all how your target group talks about it. The ratings and reviews of your products or those of your competitors can be helpful here. This is where your customers have their own say and may also use unexpected keywords.

5. Simple and automated: Amazon Keyword Tools

Manual keyword research sounds complicated and it is. Therefore, there are of course corresponding Amazon SEO tools that can take the work off your hands. The scope of services naturally depends on the corresponding keyword tool. Sites like list keywords from various platforms (Google, Amazon, YouTube, etc.) and can be helpful for quick research. If you would like something more comprehensive, we recommend the Helium 10 tool. We have noted here how this can help with keyword research .

These tools also give you data that previous methods cannot provide. They often indicate the search volume of each keyword. And even if these should only be viewed as guidelines because Amazon does not officially disclose search volume, they are a good tool when evaluating your keywords.

Keywords found for Amazon – now what?

Have you put together a list of the most important keywords for your Amazon product? Then it’s time to use these for your success. Of course, it is also important to evaluate the keywords and sort out those that do not ideally apply to your product.

As part of the listing optimization, the keywords are incorporated into the title, bullet points , product description and backend search terms. But the keywords are also helpful for creating profitable PPC campaigns.

Conclusion: Keyword research for your Amazon success

Keyword research for your products is extremely important. It has a big impact on the visibility and traffic of your products. Only if you use the keywords that your target group is searching for will you appear in the right search results. Through the keywords you create relevance for the Amazon algorithm as well as for your target group. The larger your product range, the more you will appreciate the convenience of a keyword tool.

How to Find Amazon Keywords