Idaho is located in the Northwest, belongs to the group of mountainous states. Founded in 1890 and became the 43rd in a row. The capital is Boise, it is also the largest city in the state in which the main government offices are located. Idaho is bordered by six US states and the Canadian province of British Columbia. It ranks 39th in terms of population.
There are many opinions regarding the origin of the state’s name. According to one version in the Shoshone language, it means “the sun rises.”
Area 216,632 km². Idaho borders Oregon and Washington to the west, British Columbia to the north, Wyoming to the east, Montana to the west along the Bitterroot Range, and Utah and Nevada to the south.
The state is located to the west of the continental divide. Much of Idaho is mountainous. The state has 8 geological provinces, the youngest of which is 16-17 million years old.
In the southeast flows the Teton River, in the southwest of Owyhee. Flooding and landslides can occur in the state after major hurricanes or heavy winter rains.
The main source of atmospheric moisture is western sea air currents. The coldest month is January, the average temperature is below zero. In the mountains, the temperature drops below -30. Temperatures can reach 37°C or more in July in the southwest of the state.
The administrative structure of Idaho includes 44 districts.
Important components of the state’s economy are potato growing, scientific and technical sector and mining.
The state attracts tourists who want to relax in the mountains. The main attractions are Hell Canyon, Moon Craters, Sun Valley or Sun Valley, Shoshone Falls, Pend Oreil Lake or Pand Oreille Lake Coeur d’Alene, Yellowstone National Park.
Best Engineering Schools in Idaho

This article features top engineering colleges in Idaho that offer master and doctoral degrees in the fields of biological engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, etc. Please be informed that each school receives national wide rank as…
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