Top Physics Schools in Utah

On, you can learn what the top-ranked physics colleges and universities are in Utah, and compare the best physics colleges, and get the latest ranking of best schools for physics in Utah. From the following table, please see full list of top 3 graduate schools of physics in Utah including school information and contact profile.

Top Physics Schools in Utah

1 University of Utah, Physics Department
Address: 115 S. 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0830
Phone: (801) 581-6901
2 Brigham Young University–Provo, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Address: N283 ESC, Provo, UT 84602-4604
Phone: (801) 422-4361
3 Utah State University, Department of Physics
Address: Science and Engineering Research Building, Logan, UT 84322
Phone: (435) 797-2857

USA congress

The US Congress is the highest legislative body of the United States, which together with the executive (President of the United States) and judicial (Supreme Court of the United States) branches of government, forms the Federal Government of the United States.

The powers of Congress are stipulated by the first article of the US Constitution (as well as amendments to the Constitution). In particular, the Congress has the right:

  • establish the financial and budgetary policies of the United States;
  • establish and levy taxes, fees, duties and excises;
  • declare war, ensure the defense and general welfare of the country;
  • admit new states to the United States;
  • regulate trade with foreign countries and between states;
  • establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court;
  • issue national currency;
  • establish a unified system of measures;
  • to create armed forces;
  • issue patents;
  • organize the postal service and many others.

The US Congress also has the power to “make such laws as are necessary and appropriate for the exercise of the powers enumerated [in the US Constitution] and such other powers as this Constitution assigns to the Government of the United States of America.”

In addition, the jurisdiction of the US Congress includes the administration of the District of Columbia, in which the US capital, Washington, is located.

Congress has the right to conduct a special procedure (impeachment), as a result of which the President of the United States or a judge of the Supreme Court can be removed from office.

At the same time, the power of Congress, like other branches of the US government, is not unlimited. The Congress cannot, according to the Constitution, introduce laws with retroactive effect, abolish (except in cases of a threat to public safety) “habeas corpus” (presumption of innocence), issue titles of nobility. There are also other restrictions.

A law passed by Congress does not come into effect until it is signed by the President of the United States. If the President uses the veto, then to override it, Congress must collect at least two-thirds of the votes in both chambers.

The first article of the US Constitution also defines that the US Congress consists of two chambers – the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The Senate ensures equal representation in the country’s highest legislative body of all US states. The House of Representatives provides representation in proportion to the population of a state.

In order to be elected to Congress, a candidate must satisfy several mandatory conditions stipulated by the US Constitution.

To ensure the fruitful work of the Congress, committees are created that focus on any areas of activity (committee on agriculture; committee on foreign affairs, and so on). Committees may be permanent or ad hoc. Special committees are usually set up to resolve an issue that does not fall within the competence of the standing committees, or to conduct an investigation. Committees may create even more specialized subcommittees.

The Congress also includes a number of auxiliary services. Probably the most famous among them is the US Library of Congress (established in 1800, it is considered the largest library in the world). The Congressional Research Service analyzes bills, conducts consultations, public hearings, and various surveys for US legislators. The Congressional Budget Office oversees the implementation of the state budget.

A characteristic feature of the US Congress is ” lobbying “, that is, influencing members of Congress by various interested groups in order to adopt relevant laws.

The seat of the US Congress is the Capitol in Washington, D.C. It is prohibited by the US Constitution to hold meetings of Congress in any other place.